2018 Brookings-V20 Workshop, Washington DC |April 18
Welcoming Remarks and Overview
Homi Kharas, Brookings Institution (USA)
Yves Tiberghien, VISION20 & UBC (Canada)
Session 1: New Values for a New Era
New Values and New Political Discourses for Addressing Social Angst and Overcome Big Divides in Values
[Chair] Colin Bradford, VISION20 & Brookings Institution (USA)
Homi Kharas, Brookings Institution (USA)
Sergio Bittar, IDEA (Chile)
Martin Albrow, LSE (UK)
Session 2: New Politics in the Post Brexit Era
New Values and New Political Dynamics for Delivering Better Social Outcomes; Pathways and Processes toward Politically Sustainable Outcomes
[Chair] Sergio Bittar, IDEA (Chile)
Richard Wike, Pew Research Centre (USA)
Francisco Sagasti, Partido Morado (Peru)
Rory MacFarquhar, Google (USA)
Lunch Speakers: Towards G20
Laura Jaitman, G20 Finance Deputy (Argentina)
Pedro Villagra Delgado, G20 Sherpa (Argentina)
Session 3: Policy Innovations
Policy Innovations for Greater Inclusion and Better Social Outcomes: Comparative Perspectives and Policy Conclusions; Toward a Menu of Policy Instruments and Options for Achieving Greater Social Cohesion
[Co-Chair] Kermal Dervis, Brookings Institution (USA)
[Co-Chair] Elsa Fornero, Former Labor Minister (Italy)
Nicolas Veron, Peterson Institute for International Economics (USA)
Juan Rodil, CIPPEC (Argentina)
Masahiro Kawai, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Xue Lan, Tsinghua University (China)
Session 4: Global Governance
Managing Globalization in the Post Bretton Woods Era: The Impact of New Values, Politics and Policies on International Relations; Geopolitical Shifts and the Global Order; Responses of the Global System of International Institutions to the New Dynamics
[Co-Chair] Bruce Jones, Brookings Institution (USA)
[Co-Chair] Alan Alexandroff, VISION20 & University of Toronto (Canada)
Matthew Goodman, Center for Strategic and International Studies (USA)
Rajat Kathuria, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (India)
Jorge Heine, Woodrow Wilson Center (USA)
Bertrand Badre, BlueOrange Capital (France)